[ in-hos-pi-tuh-buhl, in-ho-spit-uh-buhl ]
- not inclined to, or characterized by, hospitality, as persons or actions; unfriendly.
- (of a region, climate, etc.) not offering shelter, favorable conditions, etc.; barren:
an inhospitable rocky coast.
/ ˌɪnhɒˈspɪt-; ɪnˈhɒspɪtəbəl /
- not hospitable; unfriendly
- (of a region, an environment, etc) lacking a favourable climate, terrain, etc
Derived Forms
- inˈhospitably, adverb
- inˈhospitableness, noun
Other Words From
- in·hospi·ta·ble·ness noun
- in·hospi·ta·bly adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of inhospitable1
Example Sentences
These inhospitable conditions led to the extinction of 76 percent of Earth’s species, including the dinosaurs.
This can make the soil inhospitable to native plants and tree seedlings and far more likely to erode.
Some scientists contend that life on our planet arose in such seemingly inhospitable conditions.
Though Venus is pretty inhospitable today, “Earth and Venus likely had very similar starting conditions, and recent work has shown that Venus may have been habitable, with surface liquid water oceans, as recently as a billion years ago,” he says.
Apple was eager to arrive in India, but the country has been a somewhat inhospitable host.
In particular San Francisco is notoriously inhospitable to families, with the lowest percentage of kids of any major city.
We live on the edge of food scarcity and are slowly making our water and land inhospitable to growing crops.
The planet has few more inhospitable places than where MH370 likely went down.
Be careful, it advised, your reaction could be misconceived as inhospitable.
Most important, they won elections in what might have otherwise been inhospitable territory.
They both consist of naked, inhospitable masses of rock, and serve at most as resting places for a few gulls.
It came out of unknown and inhospitable mystery, and went into a mystery equally unknown and inhospitable.
It is in the northern sea, near the inhospitable Gulf of Stavanger, and in the 59th degree of latitude.
The summits of the higher ones were constantly swept by the flakes of foam, and promised nothing but an inhospitable drenching.
Mackenzie had a bruised and heavy feeling about him as he shouldered his pack and hurried from that inhospitable door.
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