


[ ahy-ree-nee ahy-reenor, especially British, ahy-ree-nee ]


  1. Classical Mythology. one of the Horae, the personification of peace.
  2. Also I·re·na [] A female given name.


/ aɪˈriːnɪ /


  1. Irene?752803FByzantinePOLITICS: hereditary rulerRELIGION: saint ?752–803 ad , Byzantine ruler (780–90, 792–97, joint ruler with her son Constantine VI; 797–802). She is venerated as a saint in the Greek Orthodox Church
  2. Greek myth the goddess of peace
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Irene pours a great deal of energy into volunteer work and worrying about her two boys.

From Time

When the pandemic hit, I wasn’t able to see Irene for many months.

When I met Irene 10 years ago, I was finally completing my bachelor’s-degree studies at Farmingdale State College and had no idea where I was heading next in life.

At nearly every event I produced, Irene showed up to support me.

When I began dating my now-wife, Michelle, one of our first dates was spent at a local library screening that Irene was hosting.

“If agencies had to warranty that children are in good health, agencies would shut down,” said adoption attorney Irene Steffas.

The data came from the same year Hurricane Irene wreaked the worst havoc Vermont had seen in decades.

A French journalist named Vincent moves to Lisbon to escape the source of his broken heart, a woman named Irene.

To draw Antonio away from Irene, Vincent decides to track down Duck.

Judge Irene Berger asked Hughart who had ordered him to give miners advance word of inspectors.

Irene's been down to the train to meet you three times and she's sure fighting mad by this time.

Hereupon he was caused much embarrassment and discomfiture, for of the three girls, he knew not which one was Irene.

"Would you like to attend services at the church this evening," said Irene after a time, and when they were again alone.

He recovered, however, either through the pious care of the Christian matron Irene, or through the special grace of the Virgin.

Irene first reached him whose beloved voice had called her, and her two companions soon followed.





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