[ ir-i-gahrd-lis ]
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Usage Note
Some people use Irregardless to mean the same thing as regardless, but it is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of irregardless1
1910–15; ir- 2 (probably after irrespective ) + regardless
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Compare Meanings
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Example Sentences
Besides, like knowing some French or making sure not to say “irregardless,” having a B.A. is a class marker in America.
From The Daily Beast
Meanwhile, innocent, unmarried teenage boys who do seek consent can be penalized irregardless.
From The Daily Beast