



[ jeyn ]


, Slang.
  1. a girl or woman.



[ jeyn ]


  1. a female given name: derived from John.


/ dʒeɪn /


  1. slang.
    a girl or woman
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of jane1

An Americanism dating back to 1905–10; generic use of the proper name
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Example Sentences

Jane charms locals all over the island of Providenciales to foster puppies until she can find visitors to take them home.

Jane noticed, even as coronavirus cases surged again in California and across the United States, that Levi’s Stadium was considering admitting fans to watch games.

Kurt frequently speaks as if he and Jane are a team, referring to “our ambition to write great books.”

Flipping through the pages of Boyer’s Robot Survey 2019, styled after the old Jane’s guides to military equipment that filled my Cold War youth, the truth is hard to deny.

Jane is the first of many who are ready to step into these jobs now.

From Fortune

A new book from Mallory Ortberg imagines what literary legends including King Lear and Jane Eyre would have texted.

He never suffered any physical abuse and had grown close with Jane, Brooke, and her family.

This past summer, Colleen LaRose, known by her self-anointed handle ‘Jihad Jane’, was sentenced to ten years in prison.

For Jane Doe though, she was heading into yet another nightmare.

Daniels, 28, was allegedly the first to force “Jane Doe” to perform sexual acts on johns.

"It's like that out here on the Riviera," said Jane, shaking her head so gloomily that the ruffled cap wobbled.

And with these, and the society of Jane on board-wages, Black Sheep was left alone for a month.

"The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

Jane wishes that her father kept a carriage, and liveried servants and out-riders.

The scene produced an effect upon the spirit of Jane which was never effaced.





JandalJane Doe