


[ jer-i-koh ]


  1. an ancient city of Palestine, N of the Dead Sea, formerly in W Jordan; occupied by Israel 1967–94; since 1994 under Palestinian self-rule.
  2. a town on W Long Island, in SE New York.


/ ˈdʒɛrɪˌkəʊ /


  1. a town in the West Bank near the N end of the Dead Sea, 251 m (825 ft) below sea level: on the site of an ancient city, the first place to be taken by the Israelites under Joshua after entering the Promised Land in the 14th century bc (Joshua 6)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Back in the 2000s, the TV show “Jericho” about the nuclear war after-times included us on a map of cities that have been bombed to bits.

Jericho’s walls came tumbling down and the city burned to the ground.

Joshua puts to the sword women, infants, and animals at Jericho.

Used with permission from Jericho Books, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Nor will any Israeli government permit the vast infrastructure projects Kerry foresees arising near Jenin and Jericho.

An industrial park backed by Japan on the Jericho site has been logjammed for nearly two decades.

Separately, in the Jericho area, Israeli forces told eight families in Ein al-Hilweh to demolish their homes.

Now Ptolemee, the son of Abobus, was appointed captain in the plain of Jericho, and he had abundance of silver and gold.

Jericho is a plain encompassed by a mountainous district, which slopes towards it somewhat in the manner of a theatre.

It is about two miles from Jericho crossing to the railroad, the point for which the right wing was aiming.

It is two miles from Jericho bridge to Carmel Church, which stands in a beautiful grove of oaks.

Read the story of the expedition of the spies and its result, the siege of Jericho and, last, Joshua's farewell.




