

View synonyms for kick around

kick around

  1. Be available or unused, as in This old computer has been kicking around for months—no one seems to want it . [c. 1900]

  2. Also, kick about . Move from place to place, as in They spent three years kicking around the country on their bikes , or We've no address; we're just kicking about until we find somewhere to settle . [ Colloquial ; early 1800s]

  3. Also, kick about . Consider, think about or discuss; examine or try out. For example, Let's kick this scenario around for a while and see what we come up with , or We've been kicking about various schemes to make money . [ Colloquial ; first half of 1900s]

  4. Treat badly, abuse, as in I'm sick and tired of being kicked around by my supervisor . [ Colloquial ; first half of 1900s]

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Example Sentences

But in the future, we may not have Black Friday to kick around.

What she wants is to come out here and kick around as one of us in a rough and tumble way.

I don't know what having slaves to kick around will do to you, but I don't see how you can grow up a human being.

I have got hold of a tub off to the Cape—going to kick around there in search of what she can snatch in the way of cargo.

Instantly the duck fell on its side, and, beating the water frantically with its wings, began to kick around in a circle.

How can I see to shoot when you kick around like that an' fill my eyes with dirt!



