


or con·ta·ki·on

[ kawn-tah-kee-awn; English kuhn-tey-kee-on ]


Greek Orthodox Church.
plural kontakia [kawn-, tah, -kee-ah, k, uh, n-, tey, -kee-, uh].
  1. a short hymn honoring a saint.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of kontakion1

1865–70; < Late Greek, special use of kontákion scroll, equivalent to kontak- (stem of kóntax ) pole + -ion diminutive suffix
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Example Sentences

The service includes the "Russian Kontakion of the Departed", a hymn Prince Philip had chosen for his own funeral last year.

From BBC

The choir sang a sailors’ hymn, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save”, and shortly before he is lowered into the Royal Vault, the Russian “Kontakion of the Departed”, a hymn of the Orthodox and Eastern churches, will echo around the ancient church.

From Reuters

The choir will sing Psalm 104 and the Russian Kontakion of the Departed before and after the prayers for Prince Philip.

From Reuters

"Let us avoid the high-flown speech of the Pharisee"—says the Kontakion of the day—"and learn the majesty of the Publican's humble words."

NOTE: On the eve of Great Feasts of the Lord or the Theotokos, the Troparion and Kontakion of the Feast are read.




