/ ˈkɔsɔvɔ; kɔˈsɔva; ˈkɒsəvəʊ /
- an autonomous province of Serbia, in the SW: chiefly Albanian in population since the 13th century; Serb suppression of separatists escalated to a policy of ethnic cleansing in 1998, provoking NATO airstrikes against Serbia in 1999 and takeover by UN administration; unilaterally declared independence in 2008. Mainly a plateau. Capital: Priština. Pop: 1 847 708 (2013 est). Area: 10 887 sq km (4203 sq miles) Full Serbian nameKosovo-Metohijaˈkɔsɔvɔmɛˌtɔhija
Example Sentences
The NATO air campaign that ended the Kosovo war in 1999 deployed 1,000 aircraft and took only six weeks to achieve its objectives.
The program unites female leaders of former or current conflict zones, from Kosovo, to Colombia, to Afghanistan.
And while many people died in the Kosovo war, as he pointed out, none have died in Crimea.
Russia, traditionally allied with the Serbs, had vehemently opposed the action in Kosovo, and was ignored.
As a precedent, Putin cited Kosovo, which the West helped carve out of Serbia in 1999 against Russian objections.
Not one man dost thou leave behind thee at the castle who may carry news to thee at Kosovo and return again to me.
All lie dead on the field at Kosovo; all save Yuk Brankovich, whose name be for ever accursed.
But he could not withstand the desire which burnt in his heart; he mounted his horse and he rode to the fight at Kosovo.
When the next day dawned, there came two black ravens from the wide field of Kosovo, and they settled upon the white tower.
They sang of Kosovo and of the Servo-Bulgarian war and of the border fights of the neighbourhood.