


or La·sa, Las·sa

[ lah-suh, -sah, las-uh ]


  1. a city in and the capital of Tibet, in the SE part: sacred city of Lamaism. About 12,000 feet (3,650 meters) above sea level.


/ ˈlɑːsə /


  1. a city in SW China, capital of Tibet, at an altitude of 3606 m (11 830 ft): for centuries the sacred city of Lamaism and residence of the Dalai Lamas from the 17th century until 1950; known as the Forbidden City because it was closed to Westerners until the beginning of the 20th century; annexed by China in 1951. The Dalai Lama fled after an unsuccessful revolt against Chinese rule in 1959. Pop: 131 000 (2005 est)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Stuck at home, Wortley began rereading My Journey to Lhasa and started plotting to set off like David-Néel.

Once, she called home all excited about her new Lhasa apso—a $500 dog!

Any cars coming from Lhasa are immediately stopped and searched," says one local, "What have we done to deserve this?

He had a ferocious temper, growing so angry at times his body shook as he stood on the shiny floor of his winter palace in Lhasa.

From the western Tibetan town of Ngari, I was taken to Lhasa, where I was thrown into a detention camp.

The most interesting feature of Langkor is an ancient temple, an appanage of the great Drophung monastery of Lhasa.

All four had come in autumn, and were waiting for the warmer season to proceed to Lhasa, and return thence home again.

Even the Chinese in Lhasa, I said, had treated us pleasantly and had left us the fullest freedom.

Still marching south-westwards we approached at an acute angle the great main road between Lhasa and Ladak, the so-called tasam.

We expected good news from Lhasa, and were glad that the people in Saka had granted the permission I had asked for.





lhLhasa apso