life jacket
- a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable construction, for supporting the wearer in deep water and preventing drowning.
life jacket
- an inflatable sleeveless jacket worn to keep a person afloat when in danger of drowning
Word History and Origins
Origin of life jacket1
Example Sentences
She’s starting to equate the life jacket with fun, and that’s the whole goal on trips like these.
So far, training her to be a great water dog has been mostly a success, and this life jacket has certainly played a role.
At this floating encampment, also in Ohio, you can rent kayaks, canoes, paddles, life jackets and even floating fire pits if you want some smoke on the water.
The lead actor, who was famous, was wearing a life jacket and made it to shore.
As he told it, he gave a struggling sailor his life jacket and then helped a pilot who had been badly burned, staying by his side until they were rescued about five hours later.
Maclean watches the small explosion in the water—a leg, a ski, a life jacket.
From early morning, the passengers are astir—each one entrammelled in a life-jacket that reminds them continually of danger.
The boat was shoved back, the life-jacket was transferred to Guy, and the boatman was put ashore.
He forced himself to relax, let the life jacket support him.
With this life jacket on I could swim round the Horn, declared Sam confidently.
Slipping into my life-jacket, I groped my way to my station on deck.
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