

lily family


  1. the large plant family Liliaceae, characterized by chiefly herbaceous plants growing from bulbs, corms, rhizomes, or tubers, having narrow, parallel-veined, usually basal leaves, often showy flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry or capsule, and including the aloe, asparagus, aspidistra, hyacinth, numerous species of lily, lily of the valley, trillium, and tulip.

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Example Sentences

This last plant is really of the Lily family, and its flat leaf-like branches end in a sharp spine.

It is a native of California and belongs to the Lily family.

It completely filled my heart, and has made every member of the lily family dear to me.

Even flowers, of the lily family (apparently), are still detected in the crushed and petrified remains.

Another strange specimen in the novel collection is a portion of the Yucca tree, an abnormal growth of the lily family.



