

Little Rock


  1. a city in and the capital of Arkansas, in the central part, on the Arkansas River.

Little Rock


  1. a city in central Arkansas, on the Arkansas River: state capital. Pop: 184 053 (2003 est)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Little Rock

  1. Capital of Arkansas and largest city in the state.

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In 1957, federal troops were sent into Little Rock to enforce the United States Supreme Court ruling in Brown versus Board of Educationagainst racial segregation in the public schools. Little Rock became a symbol (see also symbol ) of the South's resistance to school integration .
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Example Sentences

Coastal Carolina finds itself atop the Sun Belt, tied with Appalachian State and Little Rock.

She’s a radiation biologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.

The effects of spending a large amount of time in space may show many years after someone has been exposed, says Marjan Boerma, a radiation biologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.

There’s Derek Fisher, the fast-talking spark plug from tiny Arkansas-Little Rock.

Antioxidants, on their own, may not be enough protection, says Marjan Boerma, a radiation biologist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock.

The image was taken on October 12 at 6:58 PM Central Time in Little Rock.

The police of Little Rock, years ago, found a letter in Titanic's room which demanded “2 thousand cash or you will be sorry.”

I can only hope that all of you here in Little Rock will be celebrating her come November 2016.

True, Eisenhower had despatched federal troops to Little Rock to enforce a judicial order.

I love it when Bond climbs the volcano and throws that little rock down there and it goes ping ping ping!

En shore enough when we got to Little Rock and Shako got holt of some sugarcane, he win that old elephant's respect instanter.

Safe on the little rock plateau she watched the174 thunderous onslaught, frightened and then terrified and crying out.

The Vatican became as a little rock, in the midst of a stormy sea whose waves lashed it incessantly.

This formula was procured from a friend of the author residing at Little Rock, Ark.

Indeed, every little rock seemed to shelter a recumbent figure, while rifles could be seen protruding from a hundred crevices.





Little RichardLittle Russia