

Loch Raven

[ lok ]


  1. a town in central Maryland, near Baltimore.

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Last year, eighth graders at Loch Raven Technical Academy in Towson took an interest in Howard Cooper while taking a class on juvenile justice.

Flanked by state leaders and racial justice advocates, Hogan said his actions were partially inspired by a petition from middle school students at nearby Loch Raven Technical Academy in Towson, calling on him to consider the posthumous pardon for Cooper.

Earlier this year, the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project and students at Loch Raven Technical Academy petitioned Hogan to issue the pardon for Cooper.

Gabriela Alejandra Gonzalez-Ardon was found dead in woods near Loch Raven Reservoir in late May.

Baltimore County police said the five suspects lured Gabriela Alejandra Gonzalez Ardon,16, to Loch Raven Reservoir and killed her because of her possible affiliation with another rival gang.





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