


[ loo-lee, French ly-lee luhl-ee ]


  1. Italian Lul·li [lool, -lee]. Jean Bap·tiste [zhah, n, b, a, -, teest], 1632–87, French composer, especially of operas and ballets, born in Italy.
  2. Catalan Lull [lool]. Raymond or Ra·món [r, ah-, mawn], Doctor Illuminatus, 1235?–1315, Spanish theologian, philosopher, and author.



  1. lyli LullyJean Baptiste16321687MFrenchItalianMUSIC: composer Jean Baptiste (ʒɑ̃ batist), Italian name Giovanni Battista Lulli. 1632–87, French composer, born in Italy; founder of French opera. With Philippe Quinault as librettist, he wrote operas such as Alceste (1674) and Armide (1686); as superintendent of music at the court of Louis XIV, he wrote incidental music to comedies by Molière
  2. AlsoLullˈlʌlɪlul LullyRaymondorRamón?12351315MSpanishPHILOSOPHY: philosopherRELIGION: mysticRELIGION: missionary Raymond or Ramón (raˈmɔn). ?1235–1315, Spanish philosopher, mystic, and missionary. His chief works are Ars generalis sive magna and the Utopian novel Blaquerna
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

Now Rachinsky is writing another book for me, called Raymond Lully.

It is very probable that the instruction given by Lully to Humfrey was less by precept than by example.

Lully drank a glass of champagne greedily and undid the buttons of his blue jacket.

Lully was speaking, his smooth brown face in a grimace of excitement and loathing.

In no other instance, however, not in that of Lully nor in that of Franck, has the transfusion of blood been so successful.





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