

View synonyms for makings


/ ˈmeɪkɪŋz /

plural noun

  1. potentials, qualities, or materials

    he had the makings of a leader

  2. slang.
    Also calledrollings the tobacco and cigarette paper used for rolling a cigarette
  3. profits; earnings
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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In short, it had all the makings of a nuclear attack drill, part of an escalation in long-range Russian operations worldwide.

Throw in an X-Man whose special power is preserving religious liberty and you have the makings of a movie franchise.

For Schwarzenegger fans like me, the movie had all the makings of a breakthrough.

He demonstrated that he had the makings of a future Marine after his mother sent him on a last minute errand to a nearby deli.

Coming to America in late 1774, already approaching 40, Paine not only had all the makings of a radical.

Had he in him the makings of the mere trimmer and politician, in addition to the miserable vanity that had riven him to-day?

And do you know, Hilary, there's the makings of a devilish fine woman in Liosha, if one only knew the right way to take her.

Dinings and sendings of flowers, and evening love-makings—these for the time seemed the main business of Jefferson Barracks.

I was not in the best of either, but I must have struck him as having "the makings" of I don't quite know what.

But Colin had the makings of an angler in him and he was able instinctively to judge the amount of pressure that was needed.




