


[ man-uh-puhl ]


  1. (in ancient Rome) a subdivision of a legion, consisting of 60 or 120 men.
  2. Ecclesiastical. one of the Eucharistic vestments, consisting of an ornamental band or strip worn on the left arm near the wrist.


/ ˈmænɪpəl /


  1. (in ancient Rome) a unit of 120 to 200 foot soldiers
  2. Christianity an ornamental band formerly worn on the left arm by the celebrant at the Eucharist
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of maniple1

1400–50; late Middle English < Medieval Latin manipulus sudarium, Latin: military unit, literally, handful, equivalent to mani- (combining form of manus hand) + -pulus suffix of obscure origin; perhaps akin to plēnus full 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of maniple1

C16: from Medieval Latin manipulus (the Eucharistic vestment), from Latin, literally: a handful, from manus hand
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Example Sentences

Across the left arm was the maniple, and in his hand the chalice covered with the paten.

A Hispanian maniple had just seized Antony's son Antyllus and, after a hasty court-martial, killed him.

And the deacons came in and began to unrobe him, and took from him the alb and the girdle, the maniple and the stole.

At the time of the Conquest the maniple was a napkin with which the priest wiped his face and brow during Mass.

About his neck he had a white stole, over an arm a snowy maniple, upon his head a priestly beretta.




