

View synonyms for mentally


[ men-tl-ee ]


  1. in or with the mind or intellect; intellectually.
  2. with regard to the mind.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of mentally1

First recorded in 1655–65; mental 1 + -ly
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Example Sentences

I’ve just got to be mentally here, be where my feet are and play the game that I love.’

I know myself and many of my teammates and players across the league I talked to felt both physically better and mentally sharper at the end of the season.

The problem is that if you are chronically ill, if you’re mentally ill, it is a hell of a lot harder.

From Vox

I’ll be there if I’m selected, but I’ll be there physically but not mentally.

It was like — having her, as a friend and sister, hear what I was saying and tell me that — mentally, it forced me to pump my brakes.

I mean, physically, mentally, you know, in every way, shape, and form.

Recall how Clinton returned to Arkansas from the campaign trail to preside over the execution of a mentally disabled man.

One in five Pennsylvania inmates are classified as mentally ill.

We have 10 times as many mentally ill individuals behind bars than in psychiatric hospitals.

How do you survive that—mentally, physically, and emotionally?

He holds them with the air of a gentleman, comfortable and at ease in all respects, mentally and bodily.

He was good-looking, as far as regularity of features and a well-formed figure went, but mentally not much to boast of.

That was already planned; but Hugh had mentally made an addition to the plan, of which he had said not a word.

Mr. Burns was a striking personality; strong and vigorous, mentally and physically.

It sometimes entered Mr. Pontellier's mind to wonder if his wife were not growing a little unbalanced mentally.


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