

View synonyms for middle ground

middle ground


  1. an intermediate position, area, or recourse between two opposites or extremes; a halfway or neutral standpoint.
  2. Nautical. a length of comparatively shallow water having channels on both sides.

middle ground


  1. another term for middle distance See middle-distance
  2. a position of compromise between two opposing views, parties, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of middle ground1

First recorded in 1775–85
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Example Sentences

McCarthy seems to be trying to find some sort of middle ground between reality and Greene-ville.

Instead, people go through a middle ground of uncertainty before reaching a new pole — and so it is with most of those Arizona Republicans.

These are the middle ground between mobile and tethered—they’re more advanced than a cardboard box but also don’t need a centralized device to view content.

Miller’s methodology finds a middle ground between the two extremes that dominate the headlines and keep heads spinning.

From Fortune

Moderate cushioning hits the middle ground between pillowy and firm.

There is no middle ground in submitting our sacred rights to the whims of foreign tyrants.

He told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview that there was plenty of middle ground for Catholics and scientists.

“I have chosen a ‘middle-ground’ method of moderation, a sort of behind-the-scenes prodding,” he wrote in a posting.

Hulanicki says we need a middle ground between high-end boutiques and for-the-people stores like H&M.

Those desperate to find a middle ground in this political muddle could find some silver linings in the survey findings.

The situation may be altogether in favor of the employer or altogether in favor of the men, or may occupy a middle ground.

In the middle ground of this photograph are seen the walls of the church, the steeple of which has fallen in.

The man repeated the command mechanically and brought her to her course for the Middle Ground passage.

In both you stand on the middle ground and hold the ship level and steady.

The great majority of teachers occupy a middle ground between the two types just described.





Middle Greekmiddle guard