[ Sephardic Hebrew mee-drahsh; Ashkenazic Hebrew mi-drahsh ]
, plural mid·ra·shim [mee-d, r, ah-, sheem, mi-, draw, -shim], mid·ra·shoth, mid·ra·shot, mid·ra·shos [mee-d, r, ah-, shawt, mi-, draw, -shohs].
- an early Jewish interpretation of or commentary on a Biblical text, clarifying or expounding a point of law or developing or illustrating a moral principle.
- (initial capital letter) a collection of such interpretations or commentaries, especially those written in the first ten centuries a.d.
/ miˈdraʃ; mɪdˈræʃɪk; ˈmɪdræʃ /
- a homily on a scriptural passage derived by traditional Jewish exegetical methods and consisting usually of embellishment of the scriptural narrative
- one of a number of collections of such homilies composed between 400 and 1200 ad
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Derived Forms
- midrashic, adjective
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Other Words From
- mid·rash·ic [mid-, rash, -ik], adjective
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Word History and Origins
Origin of midrash1
First recorded in 1605–15, midrash is from the Hebrew word midrāsh literally, exposition
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Word History and Origins
Origin of midrash1
C17: from Hebrew: commentary, from darash to search
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Example Sentences
In 1808 the Beth ha-Midrash was suddenly transformed into the "Samsonschool," still in useful operation.
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Hence arises Midrash, exposition, from 171 darash to “investigate” a scriptural passage.
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"Legendary exposition" best expresses the full meaning of the word Midrash.
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An ancient Midrash taught that in the Temple there were seventy sacrifices offered for the seventy nations.
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