


  1. Armed American civilians who were active in the Revolutionary War and in the period just preceding the war. They were named Minutemen because they were ready to fight alongside regular soldiers at a moment's notice. The Minutemen of Massachusetts were especially well known. ( See Battle of Lexington and Concord .)

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During the cold war , the name “Minuteman” was given to a United States missile held ready for launching in the event of a nuclear attack.
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Example Sentences

She founded Minutemen American Defense several years ago, supposedly to keep America safe from “illegals.”

Other rumors swirling around the Phoenix area pin the killing on Minutemen or narcotraficantes.

Hearing shots in that direction, the British hurried back, to find their men falling rapidly beneath the fire of the minutemen.

No one saw the minutemen march and countermarch, and no one could hear their feet in the soft grass.

Soon after dawn of April 19 the British troops approached Lexington where they found sixty or seventy minutemen under arms.

Although he acted with the greatest secrecy, he was unable to keep his plans from the watchful minutemen.

About two hundred of them stood guard at the North Bridge, while a body of minutemen gathered on a hill on the opposite side.





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