

View synonyms for module


[ moj-ool ]


  1. a separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function.
  2. any of the individual, self-contained segments of a spacecraft, designed to perform a particular task:

    the spacecraft's command module; a lunar module.

  3. a standard or unit for measuring.
  4. a selected unit of measure, ranging in size from a few inches to several feet, used as a basis for the planning and standardization of building materials.
  5. Mathematics. an Abelian group with a set of left or right operators forming a ring such that for any two operators and any group element the result of having the first operator act on the element, giving a second element, and the second operator act on the second element is equal to the result of having a single operator, formed by adding or multiplying the two operators, act on the first element. Compare ring 1( def 23 ).
  6. Computers.
    1. part of a program that performs a distinct function.
    2. an interchangeable, plug-in hardware unit.


/ ˈmɒdjuːl /


  1. a self-contained unit or item, such as an assembly of electronic components and associated wiring or a segment of computer software, which itself performs a defined task and can be linked with other such units to form a larger system
  2. a standard unit of measure, esp one used to coordinate the dimensions of buildings and components; in classical architecture, half the diameter of a column at the base of the shaft
  3. a standardized unit designed to be added to or used as part of an arrangement of similar units, as in furniture
  4. astronautics any of several self-contained separable units making up a spacecraft or launch vehicle, each of which has one or more specified tasks

    command module

    service module

  5. education a short course of study, esp of a vocational or technical subject, that together with other such completed courses can count towards a particular qualification
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of module1

1555–65; < Latin modulus; modulus
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Word History and Origins

Origin of module1

C16: from Latin modulus, diminutive of modus mode
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Example Sentences

Holded developed the first ERP we have seen without modules, long implementation times or consultants needed, they’ve really changed the whole experience.

You can easily move them around or add modules to the system as you see fit.

It drastically improved the efficiency of solar modules, both in our ability to produce them and how much energy solar is able to produce.

Unlike Blue Origin’s three-piece lander, Dynetics’ is a single module with thrusters and propellant tanks on either side.

Samsung is using a system-in-package design to put both a tweet and a woofer into the same module to create a two-way speaker.

The service module also deploys four arrays of solar panels.

The band will be taking your questions in the module below from 4-5 PM EST today.

The EPA has a module on its site to help consumers donate or recycle their old devices.

Armstrong describes how he diagnosed the problem and landed the lunar module craft.

To share a comment, simply submit one in the chat module above and we'll push them live as we go.

The height of a capital will be one module, and its breadth two and one sixth modules.

The capitals of each triglyph are to measure one sixth of a module.

The interconnect cable for an expansion module is provided with that unit.

The memory has a multibus structure which permits each bus to communicate simultaneously with a separate memory module.

The diameter or half-diameter of the column (the module) served as the unit for the whole building.




