


[ muhn-roh-vee-uh ]


  1. a seaport in and the capital of Liberia, in W Africa.
  2. a city in SW California.


/ mɒnˈrəʊvɪə /


  1. the capital and chief port of Liberia, on the Atlantic: founded in 1822 as a home for freed American slaves; University of Liberia (1862). Pop: 614 000 (2005 est)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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In 2019, Andrew, a Liberian missionary and businessman based in Nigeria could buy a round trip ticket from Lagos to Monrovia at $450-$500.

From Quartz

His last film was Monrovia, Indiana, and for his latest, he traveled back East.

From Vox

A few weeks before this, a video surfaced of an Ebola victim in Monrovia, Liberia who had been presumed dead.

In Monrovia, she could not find a hospital to get her son vaccinated.

Paye came to Monrovia with her third child, who is only four months old.

But Duncan went through screening Sept. 19 in Monrovia, Liberia, where he presented a temperature of 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit.

“If the international community does not stand up, we will be wiped out,” an MSF nurse told the world from Monrovia in Liberia.

A church was organized in November, 1849, with eight members from the church in Monrovia.

Through all of the many affairs which Cary performed, he continued pastor of the church at Monrovia.

These colonists planted their church at Monrovia and soon had under way the nucleus of a flourishing Sunday-school.

The private buildings in Liberia are generally good and substantial, and especially those of Monrovia, built of brick.

Cam-wood is a rich dye-wood, and is brought to Monrovia on the shoulders of the natives from a great distance.




