[ mot ]
- John Raleigh, 1865–1955, U.S. religious leader: Nobel Peace Prize 1946.
- Lucretia Coffin, 1793–1880, U.S. social reformer: advocate of women's rights.
- Sir Nev·ill Francis [nev, -, uh, l], 1905–96, British physicist: developer of solid-state circuitry; Nobel Prize 1977.
Example Sentences
Mott says that most of the people on his trips come to watch the horses roam the island.
This superintendent’s daughter, who’d also gone to the island, met Mott’s great-grandfather there in the early 20th century, and they moved to the mainland together.
What does Sheryl Mott—your biker chick character in Homeland—have in common with them?
This supernatural drama, based on the Jason Mott novel The Returned, is eerie and enigmatic, as well as heartfelt and wondrous.
She is the winner of six Front Page awards for her journalism and the Frank Luther Mott Kappa Tau Alpha Award for research.
It was nearly time for the change of watches, and when I returned to the deck I saw that Mott was already on the bridge.
Leaving Mott at the wheel we adjourned to the deck saloon for a discussion of ways and means.
Mott was reinforced by Kennedy's and Wheeler's batteries, and the hostile guns were soon silenced.
Judge G. Mott, another special agent, who had been dispatched to examine Nesmiths superintendency, did the same.
Stacey found Mott in the county court-house, and a perfunctory examination soon put him in possession of a certificate.