

View synonyms for multidimensional


[ muhl-tee-di-men-shuh-nl, -dahy-, muhl-tahy- ]


  1. having many different facets, elements, or factors:

    I believe every person is a complex and dynamic multidimensional system.

    Good CEOs find order in chaos, tackling multidimensional problems and bringing clarity to issues others may find baffling.

  2. Mathematics. (of space) having more than three dimensions:

    By developing the math to describe multidimensional spaces, Riemann equipped physicists to explore the possibility of extra dimensions today.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of multidimensional1

First recorded in 1880–85; multi- ( def ) + dimension ( def ) + -al 1( def )
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Example Sentences

“It was a multidimensional puzzle, each like its own little musical magic trick of, ‘Hey, same tune, mostly, same words, mostly.

“Romania’s position is and will continue to be unequivocal in its multidimensional support of Ukraine, alongside the international community, in its legitimate right to self-defense against Russia’s illegal and unprovoked aggression,” Iohannis’ office said.

Prior work training machine learning algorithms focus on just one aspect of surgery outcome "but ignore the inherent multidimensional nature of surgery recovery," she added.

A consortium of researchers has produced the largest and most advanced multidimensional maps of gene regulation networks in the brains of people with and without mental disorders.

In “Sally & Tom,” Suzan Lori-Parks is the latest writer trying to fill in the gaps in order to present Hemings as a multidimensional character — and, in the process, rescue her personhood onstage.



