
[ nah-fluh ]

  1. a prayer, charitable act, etc., that goes beyond the requirements of one's religion.

Origin of Nafl

From Arabic
  • Also Na·fi·la, Na·fi·lah [nah-fuh-luh]. /ˈnɑ fə lə/.

Words Nearby Nafl Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Nafl in a sentence

  • In order to relieve him as much as possible, two Nafl rak'ats of a Namz should be said.

    The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
  • Nafl are voluntary prayers the performance of which is considered mustahab, or meritorious, but they are not of divine obligation.

    The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
  • He may omit the sunnat and Nafl rak'ats if he chooses; but the three witr rak'ats he must recite at the Salt-ul-'Ish.

    The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
  • According to Bukhr, a woman may not make a Nafl fast without the consent of her husband.

    The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
  • A Nafl fast may be broken if the person who intended to keep it receives an invitation to a feast.

    The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell