non est
[ non est ]
, Law.
- the returning of a sheriff's writ when the person to be arrested or served with it cannot be found in the sheriff's jurisdiction.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of non est1
1865–70; < Latin: short for non est inventus (he) was not found
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Example Sentences
As the Latin maxim puts it: De gustibus non est disputandum.
From The Daily Beast
Fecit dextera Di virtutem: non est mortuus, sed vixit; & nunc incolumis narrat opera Di.
From Project Gutenberg
Lex non est decretum mere disciplinare: e natura ipsa contractus matrimonialis desumitur.
From Project Gutenberg
De gustibus non est applies with as much force to religious as to secular life.
From Project Gutenberg
I also concur with Madame de Stal in thinking the book dull: "Non est jocus esse malignum."
From Project Gutenberg
Is Est and non est received in faith as well as in miracles, and is it inseparable in the others?
From Project Gutenberg