Northern Ireland
- a political division of the United Kingdom, in the NE part of the island of Ireland. 5,238 sq. mi. (13,565 sq. km). : Belfast.
Northern Ireland
- that part of the United Kingdom occupying the NE part of Ireland: separated from the rest of Ireland, which became independent in law in 1920; remained part of the United Kingdom, with a separate Parliament (Stormont), inaugurated in 1921, and limited self-government; scene of severe conflict between Catholics and Protestants, including terrorist bombing from 1969; direct administration from Westminster from 1972; assembly and powersharing executive established in 1998–99 following the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, suspended in 2002, and reinstated 2007. Capital: Belfast. Pop: 1 702 628 (2003 est). Area: 14 121 sq km (5452 sq miles)
Northern Ireland
Example Sentences
There were stories of distant strife, in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Northern Ireland, and those stories had the whiff of a different era.
I met a girl on holiday in a caravan park—which you guys call a trailer park—and she was from Northern Ireland.
The peace process in Northern Ireland is a monument to American diplomacy.
After nearly three years of legal battles, last fall several other interviews were handed over to the police in Northern Ireland.
Hearing, Committee on Foreign Affairs—“The Northern Ireland Peace Process Today: Attempting to Deal with the Past”
Philip was yet to send an armada against her coasts; he was again to stir up a fierce revolt in northern Ireland.
Some especial influence certainly has modified Northern Ireland's action, nature, and life.
An English drummer once instructed me during a railroad journey from southern to northern Ireland.
Winter twilight was drawing on when we sighted land—Northern Ireland it was.
All Americans can be proud that our leadership helped to bring peace in Northern Ireland.