


  1. Office of Economic Stabilization.
  2. Order of the Eastern Star.

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Example Sentences

The OES syndrome does not manifest itself like Margaret Dumont playing society lady to Groucho Marx.

The people who suffer from this syndrome have been labeled by many other Americans as overeducated elitist snobs [OES].

Helladius called him Oes, but says he had the feet of a man, and sprang from a mundane egg.

OES Bobby think he is the only one who can tell stories connected with snow and ice?'

Ir wyfi yn meddwl nad oes neb a ryfygei gymmeryd y fath orchest arno.

Illi robur et oes triplex, of which I believe no weapons of any assailant could get the better.

A chefais un fantais fawr yng nghwrs fy addysg,—nid oes odid blentyn yng Nghymru y canwyd mwy o hwiangerddi iddo.



