

View synonyms for oligarchy


[ ol-i-gahr-kee ]


, plural ol·i·gar·chies.
  1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.
  2. a state or organization so ruled.
  3. the persons or class so ruling.


/ ˈɒlɪˌɡɑːkɪ /


  1. government by a small group of people
  2. a state or organization so governed
  3. a small body of individuals ruling such a state
  4. a small clique of private citizens who exert a strong influence on government


  1. A system of government in which power is held by a small group.

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Derived Forms

  • ˌoliˈgarchically, adverb
  • ˌoliˈgarchic, adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of oligarchy1

First recorded in 1570–80; from Medieval Latin oligarchia, from Greek oligarchía. See olig-, -archy

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Word History and Origins

Origin of oligarchy1

C16: via Medieval Latin from Greek oligarkhia, from olígos few + -archy

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Example Sentences

Whatever it takes, we need to find a way to get voters excited about cleaning up political spending before we go full oligarchy.

In the early 20th century, many progressives and populists, as well as a growing socialist movement, rose to oppose oligarchy.

Instead we have witnessed the emergence of the Age of Oligarchy.

Russia and Ukraine under Yanukovych shared a single form of government – rule by a criminal oligarchy.

“Some say America is an oligarchy for the multinationals,” he said.

The oligarchy was saved, but the struggle between rich and poor was by no means over.

It was an oligarchy of a few powerful whig noblemen, whose rule was supreme in England.

He limited the freedom of the citizens, and turned the old democratic constitution into an oligarchy.

In truth he had no popular sympathies, and leaned towards an aristocracy which was little short of an oligarchy.

The views he put forward were simply these: Ireland can no longer be governed by an oligarchy, however powerful.



