

opposite sex

[ op-uh-zit seks, op-uh-sit ]


  1. Often the opposite sex. women in reference to men or men in reference to women:

    Do you have many friends of the opposite sex?


  1. Usually opposite-sex. of or relating to two or more persons of different genders: Opposite-sex marriage is more normalized than same-sex marriage.

    The study is about relationships between children and their opposite-sex parents.

    Opposite-sex marriage is more normalized than same-sex marriage.

opposite sex


  1. the opposite sex
    women in relation to men or men in relation to women

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Usage Note

The phrase opposite sex relies on an assumption that men and women are indeed opposites. This upholds a binary view of gender, and also usually conflates sex and gender, both of which may be considered controversial. A less binary version of the phrase is other genders.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of opposite sex1

First recorded in 1710–30

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Example Sentences

How am I supposed to refer to a person of the opposite sex whom I am not married to but who is, well, “special”?

And they voted the death penalty, no question about that, for the rape of a minor whether of the same or opposite sex.

In contrast, we found several research projects that compared much larger numbers of children in same and opposite-sex households.

The Ghostbusters are often constricted by their refusal to understand the opposite sex.

South Korea has even redefined the word “love” to mean only “a feeling or affection for a person of the opposite sex.”

As regards his sexual sensibilities in general, he is by no means indifferent to members of the opposite sex.

The mere association of the child with persons of the opposite sex provides such stimuli.

Hence it may be implied that Mr. Ditmar's experiences with the opposite sex had been on a property basis.

But now he reminded her of nothing save of a young human animal of the opposite sex.

Two beings of the opposite sex merely discussing great Social Problems—ha ha!



