


[ uh-sil-uh-skohp ]


, Electricity.
  1. a device that gives a visual graph of amplitude versus time of a measured signal, as voltage or current.


/ ɒˈsɪləˌskəʊp /


  1. an instrument for producing a representation of a quantity that rapidly changes with time on the screen of a cathode-ray tube. The changes are converted into electric signals, which are applied to plates in the cathode-ray tube. Changes in the magnitude of the potential across the plates deflect the electron beam and thus produce a trace on the screen
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ə-sĭlə-skōp′ /

  1. An electronic instrument used to observe and measure changing electrical signals. The amplitude of the signal as it varies with time is displayed graphically on a screen as a line stretching from left to right, with displacements up and down indicating the amplitude of the signal. Oscilloscopes are used to diagnose problems in electronic signal-processing devises, such as computers or stereos, and to monitor electrical activity in the body, such as that of heartbeats.

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Other Words From

  • os·cil·lo·scop·ic [uh, -sil-, uh, -, skop, -ik], adjective
  • os·cillo·scopi·cal·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of oscilloscope1

First recorded in 1905–10; oscill(ate) + -o- + -scope
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Example Sentences

But then, it does raise the question: What, worth saying, isn't already covered by an oscilloscope in the midst of a song?

The oscilloscope flickered as he readjusted, a new trace appeared.

Fraser sat watching the greenish trace on the huge oscilloscope screen.

Later messages had been picked up by radio telescope and converted to appear as symbols on the oscilloscope screen.

Rick indicated a circle of white plastic, scaled like the face of the oscilloscope.

He turned it slightly then began watching the oscilloscope closely.




