[ os-truh-sahyz ]
verb (used with object)
- to exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privileges, etc.:
His friends ostracized him after his father's arrest.
Synonyms: blacklist, snub, shun
Antonyms: accept
- to banish (a person) from their native country; expatriate.
- (in ancient Greece) to banish (a citizen) temporarily by popular vote.
/ ˈɒstrəˌsaɪz /
- to exclude or banish (a person) from a particular group, society, etc
- (in ancient Greece) to punish by temporary exile
Derived Forms
- ˈostracism, noun
- ˈostraˌcizable, adjective
- ˈostraˌcizer, noun
Other Words From
- os·tra·ciz·a·ble adjective
- os·tra·ci·za·tion [os-tr, uh, -sahy-, zey, -sh, uh, n], noun
- os·tra·ciz·er noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of ostracize1
Word History and Origins
Origin of ostracize1
Example Sentences
I’ve been advocating harm reduction from the very beginning, and I was criticized, ostracized, yelled at ….
You might want to change, but if you get ostracized, it’s very difficult to persist.
Fed up with being ostracized, stigmatized, bullied and worse, the new generation is fighting back just like those who came before them.
Online communities gave them a place – and a space – to be themselves, without fear of being ostracized, undermined or harassed.
When I came out two years ago I was so worried I’d be ostracized by my community or worse.
No, let us everywhere put down treason and ostracize traitors.
Did not the very persons whom he was serving ostracize him, in order that they might not hear his voice for ten years?
To hinder the unfolding truth, to ostracize whatever uplifts mankind, is of course out of the question.
They ostracize Aristides, simply because they are "tired of hearing him always called the Just."
Later a meeting of the citizens of Mobile proposed to ostracize those who refused to accept Confederate notes.