

Otto IV


  1. c1175–1218, king of Germany 1208–15; emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 1209–15.

Otto IV


  1. Otto IV?11751218MGermanPOLITICS: hereditary ruler ?1175–1218. German king and Holy Roman Emperor (1198–1215): invaded S Italy (1210) but was later (1214) defeated by France and deposed
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Example Sentences

When Henry VI. died in 1198 Hermann’s support was purchased by the late emperor’s brother Philip, duke of Swabia, but as soon as Philip’s cause appeared to be weakening he transferred his allegiance to Otto of Brunswick, afterwards the emperor Otto IV.

The second Hohenstaufen emperor was Frederick Barbarossa’s son, Henry VI., after whose death a struggle for the throne took place between Henry’s brother Philip, duke of Swabia, and Otto of Brunswick, afterwards the emperor Otto IV.

Philip, however, proceeded to assume the position as if in his own right and became engaged in a deadly conflict with a rival claimant, Otto IV., during which the Pope, Innocent III., fanned the flames of civil war and made the situation contribute chiefly to the aggrandizement of papal authority in temporal 403 affairs.

Even the appearance of Otto IV, close to their hut seems in no way to have disturbed the peaceful course of their lives, but only gave St. Francis the opportunity of bestowing a timely warning upon the Emperor.

Albert became count of Z�rich and protector of the monastery of S�ckingen, and obtained lands in the cantons of Unterwalden and Lucerne; his son Rudolph, having assisted Frederick of Hohenstaufen, afterwards the emperor Frederick II., against the emperor Otto IV., received the county of Aargau.



