

View synonyms for outlandish


[ out-lan-dish ]


  1. freakishly or grotesquely strange or odd, as appearance, dress, objects, ideas, or practices; bizarre:

    outlandish clothes; outlandish questions.

    Synonyms: curious, eccentric, queer, peculiar

  2. having a foreign appearance.
  3. remote from civilized areas; out-of the-way:

    an outlandish settlement.

    Synonyms: isolated, backwoods

  4. Archaic. foreign; alien.


/ aʊtˈlændɪʃ /


  1. grotesquely unconventional in appearance, habits, etc
  2. archaic.
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • outˈlandishness, noun
  • outˈlandishly, adverb
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Other Words From

  • out·landish·ly adverb
  • out·landish·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of outlandish1

before 1000; Middle English; Old English ūtlendisc. See outland, -ish 1
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Example Sentences

This version of TheDonald, while very similar in form to what had lived on Reddit, spiraled further toward more outlandish and dangerous speech.

The more she does outlandish things, the more she will be criticized, and the more she will use the criticism as evidence of her silencing, and the more money she will raise, the more she will win.

From building an underwater wall 120 kilometers long to try to save a glacier to cloud seeding an area three times the size of Spain to increase rainfall, it seems there’s no project too outlandish to at least consider—if not put into action.

Any sports fan or political partisan will be familiar with the emotional rush that conspiracy theorists feel when saying outlandish things.

From Fortune

Without an understanding of the deep theoretical ideas behind it, axions just seemed outlandish.

The contradictions and outlandish claims are never challenged, because drug education in China is virtually nonexistent.

Apart from the outfits, of course, some of which have been quite outlandish.

Speaking of which, the Scots are ideal in the matter of outlandish native costume.

Maybe not, but such outlandish designs profoundly influence how our cities will be built.

The movie was aggressively fun, and, despite its sci-fi setting and outlandish plot, somehow relatable.

These travelled follows are outrageous bores, with their bushy moustachios and outlandish lingo.

Well, there was a big outlandish parrot on each side of the clock, made out of something like chalk, and painted up gaudy.

But this India naybob's will was at Calcutty, or some outlandish place; and there was no getting sight of a coppy of it.

Sacred fountains by the dozen, and sacred trees by the score, may still be met with in these outlandish regions.

The snowshoe rabbit made its appearance, tracking the shadowy, silent woods with great, outlandish marks.




