
[ verb oh-ver-shoot; noun oh-ver-shoot ]
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verb (used with object),o·ver·shot, o·ver·shoot·ing.
  1. to shoot or go over, beyond, or above; miss: The missile overshot its target.

  2. to pass or go by or beyond (a point, limit, etc.): to overshoot a stop sign.

  1. to shoot or pour down over: turbulent water overshooting the top of the dam.

  2. to overreach (oneself or itself); go further than is intended or proper; go too far: It looked as though his self-confidence had overshot itself.

  3. (of an aircraft or pilot) to fly too far along (a landing strip) in attempting to land.

verb (used without object),o·ver·shot, o·ver·shoot·ing.
  1. to fly or go beyond.

  2. to shoot over or above a mark.

  1. a shooting beyond a specified point or target: two overshoots in the missile test series.

  2. the amount of excessive distance in a trajectory or route: a two-mile overshoot on the artillery range.

Origin of overshoot

First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English oversheten, overshoten; over- + shoot1

Words Nearby overshoot

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use overshoot in a sentence

  • After being low it would come up too suddenly, overshoot the mark, only to be steered downwards again equally suddenly.

  • But stop he must or he would overshoot his mark a half-mile before he found the level.

  • It may again overshoot the mark, but by repeated corrections it finally attains the normal upright posture.

    Rustic Sounds | Francis Darwin
  • You are overrating the effects of our failure—you never seem to be able to do anything but overshoot your mark.

    Three Dramas | Bjrnstjerne M. Bjrnson

British Dictionary definitions for overshoot


/ (ˌəʊvəˈʃuːt) /

verb-shoots, -shooting or -shot
  1. to shoot or go beyond (a mark or target)

  2. to cause (an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along (a runway) during landing or taking off, or (of an aircraft) to fly or taxi too far along a runway

  1. (tr) to pass swiftly over or down over, as water over a wheel

  1. an act or instance of overshooting

  2. the extent of such overshooting

  1. a momentary excessive response of an electrical or mechanical system

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