
View synonyms for partake


[ pahr-teyk ]

verb (used without object)

, par·took [pahr-, took], par·tak·en, par·tak·ing.
  1. to take or have a part or share along with others; participate (usually followed by in ):

    He won't partake in the victory celebration.

  2. to receive, take, or have a share or portion (usually followed by of ):

    to partake of a meal.

  3. to have something of the nature or character (usually followed by of ):

    feelings partaking of both joy and regret.

verb (used with object)

, par·took [pahr-, took], par·tak·en, par·tak·ing.
  1. to take or have a part in; share.


/ pɑːˈteɪk /


  1. foll by in to have a share; participate

    to partake in the excitement

  2. foll by of to take or receive a portion, esp of food or drink

    each partook of the food offered to him

  3. foll by of to suggest or have some of the quality (of)

    music partaking of sadness

  4. archaic.
    tr to share in
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Partake of is sometimes wrongly used as if it were a synonym of eat or drink. Correctly, one can only partake of food or drink which is available for several people to share
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Derived Forms

  • parˈtaker, noun
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Other Words From

  • par·taka·ble adjective
  • par·taker noun
  • prepar·take verb (used without object) prepartook prepartaken prepartaking
  • unpar·taken adjective
  • unpar·taking adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of partake1

First recorded in 1555–65; back formation from partaking, Middle English part taking, translation of Latin participātiō “taking part”; participation
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Word History and Origins

Origin of partake1

C16: back formation from partaker, earlier part taker, based on Latin particeps participant; see part , take
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Synonym Study

See share 1.
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Example Sentences

This is also a fun activity that men can partake in.

From Salon

But patrons who partake before arriving will definitely have a heightened experience in the trippy rooms.

Seventy-two percent of survey respondents said they plan to celebrate Halloween this year by partaking in modern holiday traditions, including handing out candy, decorating their home, dressing in costume and carving pumpkins.

Could you tell me a bit about the Manresa pop-up you recently partook in?

From Salon

He accused black sub-Saharan migrants of partaking in a “plot” to change the country's demographic profile, blaming “traitors who are working for foreign countries”.

From BBC



