pay phone
- a public telephone requiring that the caller deposit coins or use a credit card to pay for a call.
Word History and Origins
Origin of pay phone1
Example Sentences
He headed toward the river, then gathered his wits and started looking for a pay phone.
“Civil war has broken out here,” she told a UPI editor after finding a pay phone, “and I’ve got the story!”
He proposed to Joanne in a letter, and she called from a pay phone to accept.
Back then, reporting rare birds required phoning in observations to a “rare bird phone tree,” usually via the nearest pay phone—and hoping that word got out.
Faith Prince got the message at a pay phone on the corner of 75th Street and Broadway.
“When I use a pay phone, I like to move around, but I also would like to sit, but not completely,” Achille once explained.
One of the two brothers would travel as far as Peshawar or even Rawalpindi to use a pay phone.
I'm working at home when I get a frantic call from her — from a pay phone at the store in Beverly Hills.
Though both Galicot brothers reside in San Diego, their pay-phone empire appears to be a tangled web that spans continents.
Then he uncoiled himself and ran, downstairs and into the street and to the nearest pay phone.
Satisfied that Nugent considered the Ewing story dead, Joey left the paper and hurried to a pay-phone.
Did he say anything about telling a man about going to a pay phone in the building?