[ per-sen-tahyl, -til ]
- one of the values of a variable that divides the distribution of the variable into 100 groups having equal frequencies:
Ninety percent of the values lie at or below the ninetieth percentile, ten percent above it.
- of or relating to a percentile or a division of a distribution by percentiles.
/ pəˈsɛntaɪl /
- one of 99 actual or notional values of a variable dividing its distribution into 100 groups with equal frequencies; the 90th percentile is the value of a variable such that 90% of the relevant population is below that value Also calledcentile
/ pər-sĕn′tīl′ /
- Any of the 100 equal parts into which the range of the values of a set of data can be divided in order to show the distribution of those values. The percentile of a given value is determined by the percentage of the values that are smaller than that value. For example, a test score that is higher than 95 percent of the other scores is in the 95th percentile.
Word History and Origins
Origin of percentile1
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Example Sentences
My scores improved, nudging me near the top 25th percentile.
The Buckeyes went FIB on roughly 25% of plays which ranks in the 93rd percentile on a game level.
The NWEA findings show that, compared to last year, students scored an average of 5 to 10 percentile points lower in math, with students in grades three, four and five experiencing the largest drops.
Only 27 of them traveled 95 mph or faster, putting him in just the second percentile of hard-hit percentage.
For instance, boys in the 10th percentile saw a statistically significant decline of six points on the 500-point exam.
These differentials, he writes “places the average black at roughly the 16th percentile of the white IQ distribution.”
The new measure is a relative measure, pegged to (approximately) how much the 33rd percentile is spending on various things.
Recall figure 2.1 at the beginning of the book, showing stagnant incomes for people below the 50th income percentile.
Really well, actually—in the 97th percentile on reading comprehension and the 87th in math.
A state in the 90th percentile (with the least amount of complaints filed) was given 20 points.
In other words, the lengths of the individual vectors denote the percentile rle that each night played in the total density.
In height he gained from the 25 percentile to the 40 percentile.