

View synonyms for perceptive


[ per-sep-tiv ]


  1. having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition:

    a perceptive analysis of the problems involved.

    Synonyms: astute, keen, sensitive, discerning

  2. having the power or faculty of perceiving.
  3. of, relating to, or showing perception.


/ pəˈsɛptɪv /


  1. quick at perceiving; observant
  2. perceptual
  3. able to perceive
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • perˈceptiveness, noun
  • perˈceptively, adverb
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Other Words From

  • per·ceptive·ly adverb
  • percep·tivi·ty per·ceptive·ness noun
  • nonper·ceptive adjective
  • nonper·ceptive·ly adverb
  • nonper·ceptive·ness noun
  • nonper·cep·tivi·ty noun
  • self-per·ceptive adjective
  • semi·per·ceptive adjective
  • unper·ceptive adjective
  • unper·ceptive·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of perceptive1

1650–60; < Latin percept ( us ) ( percept ) + -ive
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Example Sentences

Crucially, the women not only come off as relatively intelligent and perceptive, but also generally have each other’s backs, collaboratively sleuthing to sniff out FBoys and saving each other from unpleasant dates.

From Time

They perform perceptive tasks that a person can do in under a second.

Children are enormously intuitive and perceptive, and they also pick up that people react differently to those differences.

From Time

It is an entertaining account of the NBA’s ambitious experiment, featuring perceptive analysis of how the bubble tested the culture of each title contender.

Among the several villains in Aggie Blum Thompson’s first novel, a perceptive and beautifully assured piece of domestic noir, is social media.

And, as the enigmatic front man to an avant garde indie rock group, he is droll, perceptive, and splendidly weird.

He was highly perceptive and exquisitely sensitive to everything around him.

Yet his narrative is gripping, perceptive, and moving at times, even if his conclusions are highly debatable.

Perceptive fiction has always been a venue for society to ruminate on the moral issues of the day.

Willa is a wonderfully smart and funny and perceptive and engaging little kid.

Let justice be done and The Unpetitioned Heavens fall to a wide circle of perceptive readers.

They educate, they exalt, they preserve; so that to profit by them we must be as perceptive as we can.

But to Forrester's Godlike, abnormally perceptive vision, the park seemed no darker than it had at dusk, an hour or so before.

But the matter is complicated by the fact that things are experienced in different connections in perceptive experience.

For our education depends very materially upon our perceptive power.




