


[ pur-see ]


  1. Sir Henry Hotspur, 1364–1403, English military and rebel leader.
  2. Thomas, 1729–1811, English poet and antiquary: bishop of Dromore 1782–1811.
  3. Walker, 1916–90, U.S. essayist and novelist.
  4. a male given name, form of Percival.


/ ˈpɜːsɪ /


  1. PercySir Henry13641403MEnglishPOLITICS: rebel Sir Henry, known as Harry Hotspur. 1364–1403, English rebel, who was killed leading an army against Henry IV
  2. PercyThomas17291811MEnglishRELIGION: clergymanARTS AND CRAFTS: antiquarian Thomas. 1729–1811, English bishop and antiquary. His Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765) stimulated the interest of Romantic writers in old English and Scottish ballads
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

The Mars Sample Return is a multi-mission project, with Percy at the helm.

Percy took off from Cape Canaveral on July 30, 2020, on an Atlas V-541 rocket.

After spending the summer trundling through Jezero Crater and checking out the sights, it’s now time for Percy to get to work, teasing out the geologic history of its new home and seeking out signs of ancient microbial life.

Their affair ended when Percy drowned during a summer storm a month before his 30th birthday.

From Ozy

Percy Heath, a merry fellow, specialized in leading the Reverend Professor Doctor astray and had a lot of fun with him.

Thompson was a lower-middle-class businesswoman married to a man named Percy, who had an affair with a young man, Bywaters.

Percy revered Wollstonecraft, and the allure of her legacy heightened his attraction to her daughter.

If there was any hope for an epic comeback, Percy Harvin quashed it by taking the second half kickoff to the house.

In the end, however, Percy aligns herself with secular readers.

Percy advanced through Annandale to Ayr, and, two or three days later, stood face to face with the insurgents near Irvine.

Sir Richard Lundy went over to Percy, 'saying that he would no longer war in company with men in discord and at variance.'

Compact felspar, of a flesh-red colour; very nearly resembling that of the Percy Islands, above-mentioned.

MS. han ye me, correctly; Percy omits me, and so spoils both sense and metre.

MS neuere; Percy prints nere; but the syllables in his occupy the time of one syllable.




