


  1. The kings of ancient Egypt (see also Egypt ). The pharaohs headed strong governments. They are remembered for establishing extensive irrigation systems and for building as tombs the imposing pyramids , which still stand today.

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In the biblical account of the Exodus , a pharaoh refused to let the Israelites under Moses leave Egypt.
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Example Sentences

During the time of the pharaohs, such funerary vessels were used to store the organs of the deceased.

One of the strongest theories suggests it may have emerged in Ethiopia during the time of the pharaohs.

They had slumbered in my drawer over the decades, like pharaohs snoozing in their tombs.

When writing about his rise, British tabloids never failed to mention the pharaohs' ancient dynasties.

Perhaps many are Egyptian Tea Partiers who want every Egyptian to have Islamic guns like the Founding Pharaohs.

Our last hours in the land of the Pharaohs were filled with regret at having to leave it so soon.

How delightful to avoid the commonplace Pharaohs, Ethiopian princesses, poisoned cups, and all the rest of these dolls tales!

Pharaohs are becoming scarce at the rate at which they are being dug up; there are not enough left for everybody.

Their lot was but little better than that of the slaves of olden times who worked for the Pharaohs.

In the Egyptian hieroglyphic texts the gods speak in an oracular manner, and their consultation by the Pharaohs is mentioned.





pharaoh houndPharaonic