

View synonyms for physical education

physical education


  1. systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program.

physical education


  1. training and practice in sports, gymnastics, etc, as in schools and colleges PE
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of physical education1

First recorded in 1830–40
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Example Sentences

Students will not be required to wear masks during recess, physical education or other outdoor activities.

A judge in June reinstated Tanner Cross, a physical education teacher at Leesburg Elementary School who was suspended after he said he would not use a student’s preferred pronouns to refer to them.

The Loudoun County School Board last month suspended a physical education teacher who said he would not use a student’s preferred pronouns to refer to them.

Back in my school days, I remember how my physical education teacher would often point to Singh as an example when we would slack off on our training.

From Time

Cross, a physical education teacher at Leesburg Elementary School, during a May 25 school board meeting said he would not use a student’s preferred pronouns to refer to them.

I generally remember school physical education, PE,  as a being a pain in the posterior.

Physical education classes for girls in state schools are non-existent.

Helgesen, now 43, was a physical education teacher at a high school in California.

In Saudi, women do not get to compete in elite sport—let alone exercise, play, or even participate in physical education.

Smith taught him physical education, but he spent much of their close relationship as Morlock's hockey coach.

He was charged by Genestas with the physical education of this officer's adopted son.

Incidental features of sex hygiene will arise naturally from physical education and can be adequately treated there.

Discrimination is also wanted in the method of teaching, and in the amount of time given to mental and physical education.

Your moderate strength of a mere everyday physical education gives you the sufficient mastery of the towpath.

I have spoken of them under Physical education, as their most appropriate place.





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