


[ peest ]


  1. a track or trail, as a downhill ski run or a spoor made by a wild animal.
  2. (in fencing) a regulation-size strip, usually 2 meters wide and 14 meters long, on which fencers compete.


/ piːst /


  1. a trail, slope, or course for skiing
  2. a rectangular area for fencing bouts
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of piste1

1720–30; < French: animal track < Italian pista, pesta, noun derivative of pestare to pound, crush < Vulgar Latin, frequentative of Latin ( n ) sere; pestle
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Word History and Origins

Origin of piste1

C18: via Old French from Old Italian pista, from pistare to tread down
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Example Sentences

That’s a bonus in weird snow off-trail, but it demands a bit more muscle back on piste.

Terrain at Asahidake is almost all off-piste, and better suited toward more advanced skiers/riders.

Devant la piste de combat, quelques fauteuils et les banquettes rouges étaient sorties.

On our return to the piste, or flying field, we usually keep steadily at it until nearly dark.

And every one on the grande piste seemed to know to whom that machine belongedit was Alberts.

As the shadows slowly deepened over the earth the flyers, one by one, returned to the grande piste.

One just has to drive them in a straight line across the piste.




