

View synonyms for pleasant


[ plez-uhnt ]


  1. pleasing, agreeable, or enjoyable; giving pleasure:

    pleasant news.

    Synonyms: gratifying, welcome

  2. (of persons, manners, disposition, etc.) socially acceptable or adept; polite; amiable; agreeable.

    Synonyms: friendly, congenial, delightful

  3. fair, as weather:

    a pleasant summer day.

  4. Archaic. lively, sprightly, or merry.
  5. Obsolete. jocular or facetious.


/ ˈplɛzənt /


  1. giving or affording pleasure; enjoyable
  2. having pleasing or agreeable manners, appearance, habits, etc
  3. obsolete.
    merry and lively
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈpleasantness, noun
  • ˈpleasantly, adverb
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Other Words From

  • pleasant·ly adverb
  • pleasant·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of pleasant1

First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English plesaunt, from Old French plaisant, originally present participle of plaisir “to please”; equivalent to please + -ant
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Word History and Origins

Origin of pleasant1

C14: from Old French plaisant, from plaisir to please
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Example Sentences

Life can be so pleasant in San Diego that we sometimes tend to forget or gloss over that we’re not in heaven, not yet.

June, August, and September are often considered to be some of the most pleasant months of the year in Cleveland.

Design solutions must not only effectively contain the spread of the virus, but also make going back to work a pleasant, even beautiful experience.

From Quartz

However, summers are amazing, and autumns are mild and pleasant.

Good stories and user-generated content will always leave a pleasant aftertaste and increase interest in your brand.

When we had that meeting in the Caribbean, Jeffrey was holding his own and not only was he a pleasant host, he was pleasant guy.

However, in reality, this should be the norm, not a “pleasant surprise.”

The Internet is like booze—a little bit gives you a pleasant buzz.

That the Globes did this year, rewarding both Rodriguez and the series in Best Comedy, is a pleasant surprise.

Office workers have pleasant picnic lunches on the empty roads.

The flute and the psaltery make a sweet melody, but a pleasant tongue is above them both.

And Jimmy thought that if he must wait for him again he would wait in a pleasant place.

Now this morning I saw it put down for to-day Very pleasant, and I knew for sartin it would rain before night.

He was a tall, active young fellow with a pleasant face and a pair of fine black eyes.

He couldn't know now whether she was serious or merely joking; but notwithstanding it sounded pleasant to his ears.





pleasancePleasant Grove