

View synonyms for power play

power play


  1. Football. an aggressive running play in which numerous offensive players converge and forge ahead to block and clear a path for the ball carrier.
  2. Ice Hockey.
    1. a situation in which one team has a temporary numerical advantage because an opposing player or players are in the penalty box, and hence has an opportunity for a concerted, swarming attack on the opponent's goal.
    2. the offensive strategy or effectiveness of the team having such an advantage.
  3. an action, stratagem, or maneuver, as in politics or business, by which power is concentrated or manipulated in order to subdue a rival or gain control of a situation.

power play


  1. behaviour or tactics intended to magnify a person's influence or power
  2. the use of brute strength or force of numbers in order to achieve an objective
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of power play1

First recorded in 1960–65
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Example Sentences

The Russian president mocked American and European claims that he was conducting some sort of renegade power play in Crimea.

Predicting what comes next in this very public internal power play is difficult.

Joan and Harry have had struggles over the years, a sort of power play with each other.

Analysts say these actions point to more than a simple power play.

This political power play turned out, in retrospect, to be extremely effective.

Though here at least it seems that the individual will and power play the largest part, yet it is otherwise.

They were falling back on a raw power play and forgetting any earlier schemes.



