

View synonyms for prevarication


[ pri-var-i-key-shuhn ]


  1. the act of prevaricating, or lying:

    Seeing the expression on his mother's face, Nathan realized this was no time for prevarication.

  2. a false or deliberate misstatement; lie:

    Her many prevarications had apparently paid off; she was free to go.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of prevarication1

First recorded in 1350–1400; from Middle French, from Latin praevāricātiō-, stem of praevāricātiō “collusion,” equivalent to praevāricāt(us), past participle of praevāricārī “to collude something, (of an advocate) collude with an opponent's advocate” + -iō -ion ( def ); prevaricate ( def )
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Example Sentences

I concealed the name of my boat from her, and made a calculated prevarication when I announced my presence in London.

There was no prevarication or difficulty with the only witness examined.

He had by a violent effort recovered his equanimity, and said,—'Prevarication or denial I suppose to be useless.

I am ashamed of the prevarication; his heart certainly was broken, but his own hand assisted the slower operations of nature.

One nation robs another—that other demands reparation—prevarication is the reply.


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