[ proh-kyoor-muhnt, pruh‑ ]
- the act of procuring, or obtaining or getting by effort, care, or the use of special means:
The organ procurement procedure is very complicated.
- the act of obtaining equipment, materials, or supplies:
The secretary of defense argued in favor of increasing the budget for procurement.
Other Words From
- nonpro·curement noun
- self-pro·curement noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of procurement1
Example Sentences
Barry Parkin is chief sustainability and procurement officer at Mars.
“We have cleaned up our act,” said Barry Parkin, chief procurement and sustainability officer at Mars.
Yet, it could have been much larger had Kenya not pulled out of the project back in 2015 over alleged procurement irregularities in the awarding of software contracts.
“If the business is hit hard then there will be logical cuts to the budget and with that also likely a shift in scope with an underlying need for savings,” said a marketing procurement director at a pharmaceutical company who asked not to be named.
We also don’t know which police departments have facial recognition technology, because it’s common for police to obscure their procurement process.
Procurement budgets for weapon systems and operational-cost accounts are separated by a near-unbreachable wall.
I mean, it shouldn't be sloppy work; it shouldn't be bad procurement process.
Weak oversight, inadequate contractors and flawed procurement procedures are potential trouble spots, he said in an interview.
Junk leaves no room for family, jobs, or relationships other than those organized around the procurement and enjoyment of junk.
At Pentagon procurement prices, the cost of switching the stationery alone would be astronomical.
Accessibility to such chemicals and procurement of such chemicals usually lead to a search.
Difficulties of the usual kind arose as to the procurement of a suitable site.
The gentlemen that remained in prisons were, by the procurement of the Queen-Dowager, set at liberty in the month of July 1550.
By her consent and procurement, the preaching stools in the Kirk of Leith were broken, and idolatry was re-erected there.
From this I was reft by the tyranny of France, by procurement of the bishops, as ye all know well enough.
Related Words
More About Procurement
What does procurement mean?
Procurement most commonly refers to the formal, official process of purchasing and obtaining materials, supplies, or equipment, especially in the context of business or government.
Many large companies and government agencies have a procurement department that handles the ordering and acquisition of supplies. Such a department is often simply referred to as procurement, as in You’ll have to ask procurement to order those materials.
Procurement is the noun form of the verb procure. In general, procurement means the act of getting something, especially through special means or extra effort, as in The procurement of transplant organs is a complex process.
Example: If someone says they work in procurement, it means they spend a lot of time navigating the supply chain to get what their company needs.
Where does procurement come from?
The first records of procurement come from the 1300s. The verb procure is recorded earlier and comes from the Latin prōcūrāre, meaning “to take care of” or “to look after.” This is formed from the Latin verb cūrāre, “to care for.” The English verb curate is based on a related root.
Procurement can simply refer to the act of acquiring something, as in The procurement of this replacement part for the refrigerator was no easy task. But it’s often used to refer to a formal, official process used by companies and other organizations to get the supplies they need. People who work in this field are said to work in procurement, and such a department is often referred to as simply procurement, as in Jim in procurement said that order will take at least two weeks.
Governments often have special departments and laws for procurement, usually with very strict procedures for how purchases can be made and things can be acquired. These rules are intended to ensure that the process doesn’t become corrupted by bribes, kickbacks, and favoritism.
Did you know ... ?
What are some other forms related to procurement?
- nonprocurement (noun)
- self-procurement (noun)
What are some synonyms for procurement?
What are some words that share a root or word element with procurement?
What are some words that often get used in discussing procurement?
How is procurement used in real life?
Procurement can be used generally, but it’s most commonly used in the context of a specific business or government agency.
Discover key findings from our survey of over 4,000 people working in procurement. Request the guide today
— Hays UK (@HaysNews) April 13, 2017
Paula Davies works in procurement and is winning the Award for her relentless focus on reducing costs whilst maintaining quality #sathboard
— SaTH (@sathNHS) September 25, 2014
Everyday 12 people die waiting for a kidney transplant. Improving organ procurement and increasing living donation saves lives. Join the fight. Become a member of the National Kidney Foundation @nkf @NKF_NephPros
— Holly Kramer, MD, MPH (@kramer_holly) December 29, 2019
Try using procurement!
Which of the following tasks would be a responsibility of someone who works in procurement?
A. purchasing
B. ordering
C. requesting quotes
D. all of the above