View synonyms for prorogue
[ proh-rohg ]
verb (used with object)
, pro·rogued, pro·ro·guing.
- to discontinue a session of (the British Parliament or a similar body).
Synonyms: suspend
- to defer or postpone, or to extend past the end of a term, as a lease or other contract.
/ prəˈrəʊɡ; ˌprəʊrəˈɡeɪʃən /
- to discontinue the meetings of (a legislative body) without dissolving it
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Derived Forms
- prorogation, noun
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Other Words From
- pro·ro·ga·tion [proh-r, uh, -, gey, -sh, uh, n], noun
- un·pro·rogued adjective
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of prorogue1
C15: from Latin prorogāre literally: to ask publicly, from prō- in public + rogāre to ask
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Example Sentences
Take away from the Governor his power to prorogue and dissolve, leave him the veto, and there will soon be collision.
From Project Gutenberg
The gentleman would take away from the Territorial Governors the power to prorogue and dissolve the Assemblies.
From Project Gutenberg
Retain the qualified veto, and take away the power to prorogue and dissolve, and what will be the consequence?
From Project Gutenberg
If the assemblies took notice of it, they were to prorogue or dissolve them.
From Project Gutenberg
I was so fortunate as to arrive just in time to see Lord Harcourt, with the usual ceremonies, prorogue the Parliament.
From Project Gutenberg