[ puhn-i-shuh-buhl ]
/ ˈpʌnɪʃəbəl /
- liable to be punished or deserving of punishment
Derived Forms
- ˌpunishaˈbility, noun
Other Words From
- punish·a·bili·ty noun
- non·punish·a·ble adjective
- re·punish·a·ble adjective
- un·punish·a·ble adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of punishable1
Example Sentences
The charge against Massey is a Class C felony in Washington state, which is punishable by up to five years in jail after a conviction.
Violations of the city’s campaign finance rules are punishable as a misdemeanor.
The ordinance makes public nudity a municipal infraction punishable by a fine of $1,000 and enforceable by the local beach patrol.
Sundog’s attorney has advised him to state that chucking trash in Lake Powell, part of the national park system, is a crime punishable by up to six months in jail and up to $5,000 in fines.
Last year, Chile’s Parliament adopted a “neuro-rights” bill to ensure data of citizens collected through neurotech gets the same status as donated organs — misusing it or trafficking in it is punishable by law.
He considers throwing acid a deadly sin, which must be punishable by death.
Formerly to impair the morals was a minor was a punishable offense.
But that's changed: marital rape is a crime, one only punishable by prison time.
Theft, for example, is punishable by amputating the right hand.
Buying votes is a crime punishable by up to five years imprisonment.
Many hurtful acts, indeed, came to be viewed as crimes alike against God and man, and punishable in the interests of both.
But this firm assurance, is it not a punishable presumption in the eyes of a severe God?
A theft of more than the value of twelve pence by picking a pocket was punishable by death.
At one time in England, it was a crime not to go to church on Sunday; it was equally punishable to carry on any business.
But there are wrongs which are not punishable by the law, being too small and undefinable for its cognizance.