/ ˈpʊʃɪŋ /
- enterprising, resourceful, or aggressively ambitious
- impertinently self-assertive
- almost or nearly (a certain age, speed, etc)
pushing fifty
Derived Forms
- ˈpushingness, noun
- ˈpushingly, adverb
Other Words From
- pushing·ly adverb
- pushing·ness noun
Example Sentences
Artists including Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have pulled their music off of Spotify in protest against Rogan’s pushing of misinformation about the covid-19 vaccines.
Building a working reactor—even a very small one—requires precise and painstaking efforts of both engineering and paper pushing.
The message these stories impart is that the outdoors is a place of conquest, of list-making and box-checking and limit-pushing—which, at its worst, can lead to risky or irresponsible behavior.
There are parks filled with men pushing strollers and coffee shops where fathers meet their friends, babes in arms.
Youssef said the jailings are not only driving the community underground but pushing many to move abroad.
Foxx says that he thinks this generation has the capacity to keep pushing through racial barriers.
And U.S. lawmakers are pushing to involve China in any retaliation against the Sony hack.
And compare, as noted up top, to Secretary Clinton, who spent years quietly pushing a modernized Cuba policy.
My thought was to keep pushing in troops from "W" Beach until the enemy had fallen back to save themselves from being cut off.
Edward, while busily arranging 'to cross seas' to Flanders, was also pushing forward preparations for a 'Scottish War.'
He lost his head as the lower gates swung open, and broke the rule of the river by pushing out in front of a launch.
A louder and different tone is elicited upon pushing the key further down.
I am pushing the smiths as hard as possible, and you must do the same at your works, that the greatest dispatch may be made.